The Round Up

Jo Weisman, a young Jewish Parisian, and his family are taken by the Nazis and Vichy collaborators in the rafle du Vel' d'Hiv. Anna Traube, a 20 year old woman, walks out of the velodrome with forged papers; her mother and sister are captured. Annette Monod, a Protestant nurse, volunteers for the velodrome, and assists Jewish doctor David Sheinbaum. From the Vélodrome d'Hiver Jo's family and Sheinbaum are transferred to Beaune-la-Rolande. Monod comes along.
The parents are dispatched by train to supposed "work camps in the East" (in reality the extermination camps), and Sheinbaum too. Monod wants to come along, but Sheinbaum talks her out of that. After some time authorities announce that for humanitarian reasons the children will be united with their parents in the east (in reality the adults have already been killed, and they are now going to kill the children). Some children are happy. However, Jo and a friend Pavel hear the truth and escape under barbed wire, taking along money that the family had hidden in the mud.
After the war Monod searches for survivors at the Hôtel Lutetia; she is relieved that Jo and Noé turn out to have survived.


Hvor mange film har jeg efterhånden set omkring denne frygtelige krig?.. for mange..

Men det er vigtigt, selv her i året 2010, ikke at glemme de rædsler der fandt sted dengang - og nu har endnu et minde fundet vej til eftertidens vidner.

Filmen er i sit fulde fantastisk.. og afspejler desvære alt for godt de umenneskelige forhold der eksisterede i europa i årene 43-45. Skuespillet kan der ikke sættes en finger på, en helt igennem fantastisk præstation.. og skaberne hér har i bedste form formået at skabe livlige, troværdige, runde karakterer - aldrig igennem filmen bliver du overladt til kedsomhed. Du bliver slavisk pisket igennem skæbnernes historier, og de skærer alle lige igennem dit hjerte.

Skal denne film ses i biografen?...........Hvis det overhoved er muligt -og hellere i dag, end i morgen.

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